Welcome to Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board
Welcome to Cumbria
Safeguarding Adults Board
Safeguarding Adults is about people and services working together, to help and protect people over 18, with care and support needs, to be safe from abuse and neglect.

To report an adult safeguarding concern, contact the appropriate Adult Social Care, Safeguarding Team, based on whereabouts the adult lives:

In Allerdale, Carlisle or Copeland:
Contact Cumberland Council T: 0300 373 3732

In Barrow, Eden or South Lakeland:
Contact Westmorland & Furness Council T: 0300 373 3301
Quick Guides
We've published a series of Quick guides which may be of interest to professionals and members of the public.
Read them in our Learning Zone

Useful links
- Cumbria Police
- Cumbria Fire Service
- The Bridgeway
- Age UK - home safety and security
- Care Act 2014 - care and support guidance
- Modern Slavery
- Citizens Advice
- Channel Prevent
- CADAS Addiction and Substance Use
- Safeguarding for Charities and Trustees
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding (DOLS) Cumberland Council
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding (DOLS) Westmorland and Furness Council
Print your own Safeguarding Adults posters and leaflets: