Welcome to Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board

Welcome to Cumbria

Safeguarding Adults Board

Safeguarding Adults is about people and services working together, to help and protect people over 18, with care and support needs, to be safe from abuse and neglect.

Circle of paper people holding hands

Help is here this Winter 

Winter can be a difficult time - existing pressures can be heightened when we have to deal with keeping warm and possible health challenges. Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness council have put together some ways you can find support.
Listed below are details, including standard opening times, of organisation's who might be able to help: 

To report an adult safeguarding concern, contact the appropriate Adult Social Care, Safeguarding Team, based on whereabouts the adult lives:

Cumberland Council


In Allerdale, Carlisle or Copeland:

Contact Cumberland Council T: 0300 373 3732


Westmorland_and_Furness council

In Barrow, Eden or South Lakeland:

Contact Westmorland & Furness Council T: 0300 373 3301




Quick Guides

We've published a series of Quick guides which may be of interest to professionals and members of the public.

Read them in our Learning Zone


Learning spelt with small blocks