Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)

The Care Act 2014 places a duty on Safeguarding Adult Boards to arrange a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) when:

  • The case involves an adult with care and support needs (whether or not the local authority was meeting those needs).
  • There is reasonable cause for concern about how the safeguarding Adults Board, its members or organisations worked together to safeguard the adult.

  • The adult died (including death by suicide) and the Safeguarding Adults Board knows/suspects this resulted from abuse or neglect (whether or not it knew about this before the adult died).

  • The adult is still alive but the Safeguarding Adults Board knows or suspects they have experienced serious abuse or neglect, sustained potentially life threatening injury, serious sexual abuse or serious impairment of health or development as a result of abuse or neglect.

Donna SAR Report and recommendation for learning

  • Westmorland and Furness Community Safety Partnership produced a 7-minute briefing on Modern Slavery in response to a recommendation for learning from the Donna SAR. 


Poppy SAR Report and Learning Brief


Jessica SAR Report, Learning Brief and Lunch and Learn

Jessica SAR | Lunch and Learn 7 September 2023 (YouTube video)


Sarah SAR Report, Learning Brief and Lunch and Learn

Sarah SAR | Lunch and Learn 28 September 2023 (YouTube video)


Kate SAR Report and Lunch and Learn

Kate SAR | CSAB CSCP Lunch and Learn 26 January 2023 (YouTube video)


Pauline and George SAR Report, Learning Brief and Lunch and Learn

Pauline and George SAR learning 24 January 2023 (YouTube video)


Mr. X SAR Report, Learning Brief and Lunch and Learn

Mr X SAR learning 24 January 2023 (YouTube video)


Barry SAR Report, Learning Brief and Lunch and Learn

Barry SAR learning 25 June 2021 (YouTube video)


Robyn SAR Report and Learning Brief


Adult B SAR Report, Learning Brief and Lunch and Learn

Adult B SAR learning 23 June 2021 (YouTube video)


The purpose of a SAR is to establish whether there are any lessons to be learnt from the circumstances of the case and about the way in which local professionals and agencies work together.

Safeguarding Adults Boards can also decide to carry out SARs where they feel a review may promote learning and improve services or prevent future deaths. These reviews may not meet criteria for safeguarding adults, but they could prevent future abuse or neglect from occurring.


Please contact to request a copy of our previous SAR report's or related learning brief.