What is safeguarding adults?

Safeguarding means protecting a person's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

Safeguarding adults means protecting a person who is over the age of 18.

Safeguarding is about people and organisations working together. In Cumbria, we want to reduce the risks of abuse or neglect happening and make sure the person's views, wishes, feelings and beliefs are a key part of deciding on any action. It is important that a person's wellbeing is promoted at all times.

'Abuse' is when someone does something to you that you do not like and you want to stop.

'Neglect' is when you are not being given the care and support that you need to live your life.

The following webinar has been recorded to give people an understanding of what Safeguarding is in respect of protecting a person's right to live free from abuse and neglect, and how organisations and individuals work together, in the best interest of the people they work with, to help those at risk.  The recording discusses this topic and is aimed at Safeguarding adults who have care and support needs, who are over the age of 18, and who are at risk of, or who are encountering abuse or neglect and due to their needs for care and support, they are unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect or from the risk of it.

Webinar: An Introduction to Safeguarding Adults

The following animation called 'Tricky Friends' is a short animation, developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, and adapted locally by Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board.  It is aimed at all individuals, groups and organisations who support people with learning disabilities and autism, to raise awareness of issues like exploitation, county lines, cuckooing.

Tricky Friends Animation

The following animation was commissioned by Safeguarding Adults Boards across the northeast of England, the animation looks at the difficult topic of self neglect, how to recognise the warning signs and who you can contact for help. 

Self-Neglect Animation

Domestic Abuse involving older people can be under recognised and also underreported. Abuse can happen over many years or build up over time making it difficult to recognise. Based on the power and control wheel as adapted by Dewis Choice, the aim of this short animation is to help support practitioners and families to start a conversation with an older adult. 

Hidden Harms - older adults and domestic abuse Animation

Adult male learning disabilities