Learning Zone

Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB) is committed to a culture of learning and improvement. Central to effective adult safeguarding is a competent workforce and we recognise that learning can take many forms.  The "Learning Zone" is a dedicated area for organisations and practitioners designed to enhance best practice for training and ensure staff access training relevant to their role in safeguarding adults at risk of abuse or neglect.


What is a Domestic Abuse Related Death Review? (DARDR)

Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews (previously known as Domestic Homicide Reviews) are part of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 and became law from 13th April 2011. They do not replace but will be in addition to the inquest or any other form of inquiry.

A Domestic Abuse Related Death Review means a review of the circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse, or neglect.

The violence, abuse or neglect was caused by a person related to the individual that died, or with whom they had been in an intimate personal relationship with, or by someone who lived in the same household as them.

Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews are undertaken to improve responses to domestic violence and aim to prevent what happened to the person that died,  happening to others.  They will try to ensure that public bodies like social services, councils, police and other community-based organisations understand what happened that led to the death of the person and identify where responses to the situation could be improved. From this, the public bodies hope to learn all the right lessons including those which impact how they work together. These reviews will not seek to lay blame but to consider what happened and what could have been done differently. They will also recommend actions to improve responses to domestic violence situations in the future.

You can access the Cumberland Community Safety Partnership (CSP) website here: cumberlandcsp.org.uk

Or the Westmorland and Furness Community Safety Partnership website here: westmorlandandfurnesscsp.org.uk

Transitional Safeguarding

Transitional Safeguarding is an "approach to safeguarding adolescents and young adults fluidly' and builds on the best available evidence, learns from both children's and adult safeguarding practice.  Further to learning identified in the Kate SAR, CSAB in collaboration with Cumbria Safeguarding Children's partnership are facilitating a lunch and learn session to formally launch a Transitional Safeguarding Procedure for children and young adults at risk of exploitation.

Useful resources

Linked below are some useful resources to support practitioners knowledge and awareness of transitional safeguarding.

  • What is Transitional Safeguarding and why does it matter? 
    This short animation developed by Research in Practice, sets out what Transitional Safeguarding is and why it matters. It is intended to be highly accessible, rather than a resource for those who already understand Transitional Safeguarding in more detail.
  • The NRM and Transitioning to Adulthood: 7 Minute Briefing
    The National Working Group (NWG) in partnership with the Children’s Society, Barnardo’s and the West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership have developed a 7 Minute Briefing for Frontline Practitioners on The NRM and Transitioning into Adulthood to provide practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to guide vulnerable children and young people effectively through a pivotal time in their lives.
  • Bridging the Gap: A knowledge briefing
    Bridging the Gap is aimed at all those committed to ensuring high quality social work with young adults, from practitioners and people receiving support through to strategic leaders across local safeguarding partnerships.
  • Transitional Safeguarding Resources: Local Government Association
    This resource has been developed by the Transitional Safeguarding Reference Group, hosted by Partners in Care and Health. 
  • Transitional Safeguarding: A Knowledge Briefing for Healthcare Professionals
    This briefing is aimed at all health colleagues involved in safeguarding children and young adults accessing healthcare – from practitioners and people receiving support through to commissioners, strategic leaders, and others with accountability for safeguarding in health services. This briefing will also be useful for those who don’t usually work with young people and/or young adults directly but who nevertheless provide care or support to their family members or carers

Hidden Harms-Domestic Abuse in Older Adults

Domestic Abuse involving older people can be under recognised and also underreported. Abuse can happen over many years or build up over time making it difficult to recognise. Based on the power and control wheel as adapted by Dewis Choice, the aim of this short animation is to be a tool to help support practitioners and families start a conversation with an older adult. The animation provides examples of domestic abuse, the signs or forms it can take providing detail how to report. Click below to watch the animation on Hidden Harms - Older Adults and Domestic Abuse.

Thanks to Dewis Choice and Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board for allowing the adaptation for Cumbria.

Tricky friends

"Tricky Friends" is a short animation which was developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board.  Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board have obtained their permission to adapt this for use locally in Cumbria.  It is aimed at all individuals, groups and organisations who support people with learning disabilities and autism, to raise awareness of issues like exploitation, county lines, cuckooing.

The animation will help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do.  It is important that people with learning disabilities and autism, those who have cognitive difficulties, and also children and young adults, have positive opportunities to make and maintain friendships. We want to help them do this, to reduce the risk of harm and exploitation in groups who may be less able to recognise the intentions of others. 

CSAB hope this animation is used as a way to help people to think about the issues, to start those conversations, and keep them safer while enjoying friendships.

The animation is only 3 minutes long, and can be used with or by anyone - carers, family, organisations, individuals and groups.

We hope you find it helpful - let us know what you think csab@cumberland.gov.uk


Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)-An eLearning resource to raise an awareness of LPS and how they protect the rights of adults and young people who lack capacity. 

This e-learning resource is provided by E-learning for Healthcare

Cumbria County Council as a partner of CSAB have offered e-learning training packages open to providers, 3rd sector groups and volunteers working with adults at risk of abuse or neglect.  However, as of 30th of June 2024 you will no longer be able to access your e-learning account, as the 'My Learning' site has been de-commissioned.   In 2025, CSAB are planning to make Safeguarding Adults training-(equivalent to level 1), available via eLearning to everyone, free of charge and updates will be provided here and via the CSAB newsletters and news briefs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Preventing and managing alcohol related harm

The Programme for Alcohol Studies is a collaborative project created by the NHS North East and North Cumbria Health and Care Partnership and NHS Health Education England North East. The programme is hosted by Making Every Contact Count (MECC). A new online training platform has opened to all health and care staff who would like to learn more about alcohol abuse. The programme for alcohol studies offers a comprehensive range of self-led and live training opportunities covering:

  • Alcohol awareness - what drives alcohol related harm?
  • Identifying alcohol related harm - how can we talk to patients about it?
  • Interventions to manage alcohol abuse - how can we support the patient journey to recovery?

North East and North Cumbria Programme for Alcohol Studies.

Alcohol Change UK


This animation was commissioned by Safeguarding Adults Boards across the northeast of England, the animation looks at the difficult topic of self neglect, how to recognise the warning signs and who you can contact for help. The animation is intended to raise awareness and to be used as a tool to start a conversation with someone you may be worried about. This includes family, friends or neighbours and also practitioners working with adults who may be experiencing self-neglect. Practitioners in the community, from housing officers to social workers, police and health professionals can find working with people who self-neglect extremely challenging. The important thing is to try to engage with people, to offer all the support we are able to without causing distress, and to understand the limitations to our interventions if the person does not wish to engage. 

Click below to watch an animation on what to do about self neglect, the signs to look out for and how to report any concerns.

Thanks are extended to North East SAR Champions Network for permission to adapt locally.

The following recording highlights good practice in relation to effective multi-agency working, and aims to increase practitioner knowledge and understanding of self-neglect:

John story-Self-neglect, a good practice example

Learning and Development Strategies

Making Safeguarding Personal

The Local Government Association and ADASS are working together to develop and deliver a support offer to help councils and their partners embed the Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) approach, find out more by clicking on the following link:


You can read the Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Making Safeguarding Personal Guide, including the Easy Read version, by clicking on the links below:




National Competency Frameworks

Professional Curiosity resources

What is professional curiosity?  Emily Smith, Research in Practice Research and Development Officer, delves deeper into the topic and reflects on how practitioners might develop their practice.  Follow the link below to find out more:

What is professional curiosity? | Research in Practice

Professional Curiosity learning session (YouTube video)

On Day 1 of Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 CSAB launched a webinar to tie in with the Day 1 theme, the webinar supports practitioners to understand Professional Curiosity, you can watch it here: Professional Curiosity v2

or take a look at our A Quick Guide to professional curiosity

This toolkit developed by members of the SAB Manager Network, is intended to prompt professional curiosity and can be used as required and to complement local resources.


Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) learning session recordings

Lunch and learning recordings

The following training session provides best practice and multi-agency guidance when working with adults who have care and support needs who self-neglect.

Training on Self-neglect: Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board - YouTube

The following lunch and learn was developed to inform practitioners about the Transitional Safeguarding pathway, used internally between Children's services and Adults services.  The pathway was launched as a result of recommendations that were identified from the learning from the Kate SAR:

CSAB Lunch & Learn - Transitional Safeguarding and Exploitation Procedure

The following 3 lunch & learn sessions were developed and facilitated by practitioners and launched during National Safeguarding Adults Week 2023:

CSAB Lunch & Learn - An introduction to safeguarding

CSAB Lunch & Learn - What is Trauma Informed 

CSAB Lunch & Learn - Why does language matter 

The following webinar was developed and facilitated by practitioners and launched during National Safeguarding Adults Week 2024:

CSAB Webinar - Professional Curiosity

The following webinar was originally produced by NHS England North West and Cumbria and Pan Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board and intends to raise awareness of unpaid carers and outline resources available to support staff to improve their work in identification and support of unpaid carers in their area. 

CSAB Webinar - Commitment to Carers   Commitment to Carers - Accompanying links document 

The following recording highlights good practice in relation to effective multi-agency working, and aims to increase practitioner knowledge and understanding of self-neglect:

CSAB Lunch & Learn - John's story - Self-neglect - A good practice example



National Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 & CSAB 2nd Annual Conference

National Safeguarding Adults Week is coordinated by The Ann Craft Trust and is an opportunity for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. The aim is to highlight key safeguarding key issues, start conversations and raise awareness of safeguarding best practice.

The theme of this years NSAW is 'Working in Partnership.'

Take a look at the media poster which highlights some of the activity during the week of action:


On Day 1 of Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 CSAB launched a webinar to tie in with the Day 1 theme, the webinar supports practitioners to understand Professional Curiosity, you can watch it here: Professional Curiosity v2

During the week of action, CSAB will publish daily briefings signposting to information and resources.  Once briefings are published you can view them below:

National Safeguarding Adults Week-Daily 5-Minute Briefings


March 2025

February 2025

January 2025

December 2024

October 2024

September 2024

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

This is an archive of CSAB newsletters which may contain historic links to documents.  If you have trouble accessing please contact csab@cumberland.gov.uk

Trauma-informed Resources

Modern Day Slavery